Interactive Infographic

Ready for an interactive and exciting data experience? Imagine exploring an infographic that updates based on the country you select. You can discover fascinating information and compare data from different regions with just a few clicks.

Created in Displayr using images from Canva, this interactive infographic can be created easily, even for those without extensive analytical or design skills. Additionally, the data used to create the infographic can be sourced from a spreadsheet, making it easy to update and modify as needed without requiring a hookup to a database.

By selecting different countries, you can see how different regions compare in terms of various metrics. You can explore population statistics, economic indicators, environmental data, and more.

This type of infographic is perfect for researchers, businesses, and anyone who loves exploring data in a fun and interactive way. Interactive infographics are a fantastic way to engage with data and communicate complex information in an easy-to-understand format.

Get started by using this interactive infographic as a template.

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Interactive Infographic
Interactive Infographic
Interactive Infographic
Interactive Infographic
Interactive Infographic
Interactive Infographic
Interactive Infographic
Matt Hubbard

“Displayr is at least 50% faster than just creating a PowerPoint presentation. In some cases, I think it’s even higher than 50%.”

Matt Hubbard VP Data & Analytics, Cygnal
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